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The Demon / Демон. Книга для чтения на английском языке

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03 апреля 2020
Краткое содержание книги The Demon / Демон. Книга для чтения на английском языке, аннотация автора и описание
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Описание книги
Предлагаем вниманию читателей сборник произведений великого русского писателя и поэта М. Ю. Лермонтова. В книгу вошли поэмы «Демон», «Мцыри», «Песня про купца Калашникова» и избранные стихотворения, написанные автором в период с 1831 по 1841 гг.
The Demon / Демон. Книга для чтения на английском языке читать онлайн полную книгу - весь текст целиком бесплатно
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Текст книги
Altogether he is a profoundly unhappy nature, just the reverse of his older brother Pushkin.
If Pushkin is primarily the poet of the Russian soul and Russian nature, Lermontov is the first of the great Russian poets of the spirit. And if Pushkin is fundamentally national, acquiring international significance through his closeness to his native land, Lermontov is of universal value in himself as expressing those doubts and moods and gropings which are common to all cultured men. This did not prevent him from being a genuine Russian poet. One is even justified in looking for a connection between his dark rebellious moods and the dark conditions of the society in which he lived.
Lermontov is a self-centered poet. В«The most characteristic feature of Lermontov's geniusВ», Vladimir Solovyov says, В«is a terrific intensity of thought concentrated on himself, on his ego, a terrific power of personal feelingВ». This, however, is no self-centeredness. Lermontov seeks refuge within himself because he finds no values in the ephemeral existence of the world. He sinks into brooding moods not because he finds in them satisfaction, but because life does not quell his thirst for harmony and truth. He is at war with society, with humanity, with the universe. He is at war even with God in the name of some great unearthly beauty which only at rare moments gives to his soul her luminous forebodings.
If Pushkin is the poet of all the people, Lermontov is the poet of the thinking elements in it. As such he played a colossal rГґle in the spiritual history of his country. Generation after generation learned from him to hate the sluggishness of Russian life and the convention of every life, to repudiate compromises, to understand the longing of the soul for things non-existent, and to cherish freedom in the broad sense of the word.
Lermontov's form is in full accord with his moods, varying from the most exquisite tenderness to В«verses coined of iron, dipped in poignancy and gallВ», from slow, thoughtful, and melancholy lines to volcanic outbursts of fury. In expressing delicate shades of emotions and in dignified refinement Lermontov is, perhaps, even superior to Pushkin. There is more of the elusive quality in his poems, that which cannot be expressed in definite words.
В«Horrified by the triviality of life, by its corruption and helplessness, Lermontov sounded the motive of indignation.